Thursday 16 June 2011

Queer It Up! Call for Donations


Associated Youth Services of Peel (AYSP), the East Mississauga Community Health Centre (EMCHC) and Peel HIV/AIDS Network (PHAN) are writing to request your support in helping to make this year’s 4th annual Pride March and Community Fair the best one yet!  By supporting Queer It Up! you will be helping to create safer spaces for our diverse LGBTTIQQ2S* communities in Peel!

With momentum building over the past three years, 2011 is the first year that QIU will be part of a full week of Pride events across Peel Region. As Pride in the region continues to grow and become more visible, we invite you to be a part of the work being done by making a contribution.

We are specifically looking for donations of:
-       Food (veggie and halal chicken hot dogs and burgers, buns, condiments, corn, breakfast items, desserts, pop, juice, ice)
-       Raffle prizes of any kind (items, services)
-       Rental of 10’ x 10’ pop up tents
-       Rental of sound equipment
-       Easels
-       Art supplies
-       Coolers, umbrellas, sunscreen, hand sanitizer
-       Bus tickets
-       Anything else that you think we could use!

You will be formally acknowledged as a contributor to QIU in the program for the day under “Donations.”

In past years, QIU has attracted over 150 LGBTTIQQ2S community members, their families, friends and allied service providers from across the GTA. On Saturday July 23rd 2011, we will make history again by showing our Pride in Peel!

Please confirm your ability to support us and if you have other ways that you would like to be involved, please do not hesitate to contact us.

*LGBTTIQQ2S: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, 2-Spirit


Ashley Lake
On behalf of the Queer It Up! Committee
East Mississauga Community Health Centre
E-mail:, put “QIU donations” in the subject line

Registered Charity Number 119002996RR0001

Queer It Up! 2011 is presented by Associated Youth Services of Peel (AYSP), the East Mississauga Community Health Centre (EMCHC), the Peel HIV/AIDS Network (PHAN). Thank you to the Community One Foundation for its financial support of Queer It Up! 2011.

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